Services - Migali
Phone: 0764.338.000
What would you do to see them laughing?

Everything. Especially when it comes to dental pain.
That is why we created TenderCare.

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  • Implants


    A dental implant is a screw made of different materials, placed in the maxillary or mandibular bone, and acting as a support for the replacement of the missing tooth. The screw insertion is performed surgically, after which it needs a period of time for the implant to integrate with the bone and to act as a crown for partial, fixed or mobile dentures.

    This type of dental implant keeps the structural integrity of the face and it reduces significantly the drawbacks related to the loss of the teeth. Implant therapy is an option for a safe and healthy restoration, with beneficial effects on dental health. At Migali Dental Clinic, our specialists can provide this service under optimum conditions.

  • Surgery

    Medical specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery will offer you the entire range of surgical services, from the simplest to the most complicated, including laser surgery, which provides a much faster healing and it is painless.

    Also, for people with a high degree of sensitivity or for patients with more procedures that must be performed in the same session, Migali Dental Clinic offers sedation during the interventions.

  • Orthodontics

    ortodontie It is very important to have a perfect smile and a balanced occlusion to have a healthy dento-alveolar complex.

    Therefore our specialists in Orthodontics come to meet these problems in order to prevent them and to treat them properly. Orthodontics is applicable both for children and adolescents, but also for adults. Where necessary, we use laser dentistry and pediatric dentistry. Our dentists and orthodontists suggest to the patients correctly assessed and evaluated treatment plans, in order for you to make the best decisions for the health of your and your children’s smile.

    Esthetic ceramic fixed dental brackets- Clarity Advanced The ceramic brackets used in our clinic have a superior design to the classical ceramic brackets. They are thinner, they integrate better with the enamel from a colour point of view, they practically imitate the colour of the enamel, they are versatile in biomechanics and they are easier removed from the tooth at the end of the treatment.

    Sapphire fixed esthetic dental brackets The esthetic brackets made of transparent ceramic (commonly known as sapphire brackets) offer a more esthetic smile with the brackets. People you meet occasionally will not even notice your brackets! You can choose with your orthodontist which esthetic brackets fit best on your teeth. Treatment duration? It depends on the severity of the problem. It can take from one year up to 2-3 years.

    Fixed metal dental brackets Metal brackets are the thinnest metal brackets, they are the easiest to clean, the easiest to be removed from the tooth and they ensure a smooth sliding of the tooth onto the metal arch braces. Metal brackets are popular among teenagers. The appearance can be changed at every activation session. The braces that that attach the spring to the brackets are available in a variety of colors. They can be combined and arranged in patterns depending on the creativity of everyone (there are also phosphorescent braces)


  • Prosthetics

    When the teeth are too damaged to be “filled”, dental crowns are recommended. We offer a wide range of options: metal, metal-acrylic, acrylic, metal-composite, full composite, ceramic and metal, full ceramic crowns, crowns on titanium support, crowns on zirconium support, crowns on dental implants, ceramic or composite veneers.

    We also provide full or partial dentures, which can be mobile, acrylic, elastic or reinforced with special nets, with simple or special skeletal systems. All prosthetics are achieved in the shortest possible time.

  • Dental esthetics

    teeth whitening
    Migali Dental Clinic can offer you an enviable smile in a single session of professional whitening treatment, with the help of a special whitening lamp. For our sophisticated patients, we can provide dental jewels for a bright smile.

  • Endodontics

    When a cavity is not treated on time, the infection can spread into the tooth’s “core” affecting nerves and blood vessels. When this happens, the pain can be unbearable. One of this diseases is called “teeth rabies”. In this case, the nerve cannot be saved and it must be removed. The empty canal that remains must be prepared, disinfected and sealed with a permanent cement.

    If the infection is not treated at this stage, then it spreads to the tooth’s root tip, is settles there starting to “erode” the adjacent bone, making “pockets” of pus – granuloma or cysts. Such infections are much more difficult to be treated, requiring special pastes with antibiotics which must be inserted in the canal and left there, sometimes for several months. However, If the infection cannot be treated, then the dentist resorts to surgery in order to eliminate the infection by removing the root tip (resection). In some cases, the tooth extraction is the ultimate solution.

    In our clinic, Migail Clinic in Iasi, you can receive the classic root treatment – manual preparation with needles and obturation using a final cement reinforced with cones, or the special canal treatment that supposes the preparation of the canal with rotating needles mounted on an endodontiv motor and its obturation with liquid gutapercha – the method is much safer and efficient. Also, the infected canals can be sterilized with the Laser.

  • Odontology

    Dental caries is the most common disease of the tooth. Especially nowadays, with the more and more refined sugars and the artificial food components that easily attack the tooth enamel, we can say that all persons have cavities.

    On The Hardness Scale, the tooth enamel comes immediately after diamond, yet bacteria still manage to penetrate it, especially through grooves and fossettes from the tooth surface, but also through the areas that are difficult to be cleaned with a toothbrush. These interdental spaces should be cleaned with additional means of hygiene such as floss and interdental brushes.

    Our dentists can treat all types of cavities in order to prevent future complications and nerve damage. In our clinic, cavities can be treated in a “classic” way, using the dental drilling unit, but also with modern techniques, like the Aquacut – which uses abrasive powder – or the Waterlase MD Laser from Biolase.

    This type of laser works in a non-contact manner while the laser beam sterilizes all the areas it touches. This technology is extremely useful in the case of people with high sensitivity.

  • Pediatric dentistry – Children dentistry

    In our Clinic, we address both to parents and children. With our latest technologies provided by the dental laser and Aquacut, children can benefit from treatments without pain and without anesthesia.

  • Prophylaxis

    It is much easier to prevent tooth decay than to treat it.

    Therefore Migali Dental Clinic encourages the prevention by offering substantial discounts to cleaning procedures. It is essential to achieve the ultrasonic scaling, the brushing and air-flow prophylaxis every six months.

    For a special category of patients, such as smokers, prophylaxis is recommended more often, to prevent the advancement and worsening of the periodontal disease. Sealing the teeth grooves and fossettes with special resins – especially for children – is extremely beneficial for preventing the dental decay.

  • Medical Diagnosis and Treatement Plan

    It is the first and most important step for the success of medical interventions. With the help of a intraoral camera, now you can find out all about the problems that you have by seeing every detail on the monitor attached to the dental unit.

    You will understand how easy it is to prevent rather than to treat difficult problems.

    Our specialists will explain and demonstrate to you all the methods of prophylaxis. Your dentist will present to you all the treatment options and he will propose the most advantageous one for your situation. In our clinic you can benefit from specialized advice provided by medical specialists in Orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, implantology and Periodontology.

  • Periodontology

    It is a branch of dentistry dealing with the affections of the periodontium, which represents the complex of structures that maintain the tooth on the dental arch: gum, alveolar bone, periodontal ligaments. When these are affected and not properly treated, the tooth loses its bone support, it begins to “move” and in the end the patient loses the tooth or teeth, affected by the periodontal disease.

    In common language, ‘periodontitis’ or ‘periodontal disease’ is a common disease and it affects everyone, more or less, without taking into account the age or sex. Of course, there is a genetic component involved. Still, there hasn’t been invented a “pill” or a vaccine to “cure” this disease, but we can control it, we can “keep” it in place by scaling and polishing our teeth periodically every 6 months or more frequently where necessary.

    For patients in advanced stages of periodontal disease, a series of special treatments are indicated, some even surgically with bone or artificial additions.
